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Addressing the cause of illness and tonifying the body systems. Naturopathic, Functional, Holistic, Integrative are terms commonly used to describe the healthcare we provide. As Naturopathic Physicians we adhere to the Naturopathic principles listed below and view each patient individually. We try to find and address the cause of disease while viewing the body as an integrated network of systems that each affect the other. We use evidence based practices and protocols along with centuries-old, effective natural therapies. The foundations of health are addressed through diet and lifestyle strategies while using customized nutrients, herbs and, when indicated, pharmaceuticals to help each patient achieve their goals. Preventing disease, tonifying affected systems, and addressing symptoms are our top priorities.

Naturopathic Principles:

            -Healing Power of Nature

            -Identify & Treat the Cause

            -First Do No Harm

            -Treat the Whole Person

            -Doctor as Teacher

